What to say...

I’m passionate about quality software and doing things in the elegant way. My goal is always to create solutions that not only meet technical requirements but are also designed with people in mind.

My strengths

Software Engineer

I have a computer engineering degree that has given me a big overview of many important aspects of software development.

Drupal expert

I have been working with Drupal CMS for almost 15 years now. I have participated in projects that required advanced technologies such as S3 filesystem, torough Migrate solutions, Solr faceted advanced searchs, Redis or fine cachetag tuned Varnish proxy cache solutions.

Human being

The most important thing is people, not only because teams are made up of them, but also because the world needs us to think about and be more kind with others.

Best practices

Passionate about delightful code, I like to structure our systems in the most correct way possible, so that I and others can enjoy evolving them.


Award for the best academic record

University of La Rioja, with a 3.72 GPA

First prize in the "Young Researchers" contest

"Hestía": Wireless Home Automation Tool. An ahead-of-its-time proof of concept that involved a microcontroller board development, building and programming, and the design of a custom RS-232 protocol to communicate with a Visual Basic 6.0 app.

Third prize in the "Young Researchers" contest

"PseuDorado": Pseudocode Editor and Transpiler. A custom software tool that allowed co-students to test and run their programs, before diving into a real programming language like C++.

Code like you were singing...

Our code is our way of expressing our ideas. Let’s make it a pleasant song that others will hear in the future.

Customers who I have worked for

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